Addiction Recovery Therapy

We are a local group of Addiction Therapists in Chandler, AZ and Pleasant Grove, UT specializing in addiction recovery and compulsive behavior.

The 4 Phases of Our Rapid and Profound Method:

Fighting addiction isn’t the answer. Understanding the neuroscience behind sex and pornography addictions and learning how to utilize the science to overcome the addiction is. There is hope!

Understand the Neuroscience of Unwanted Sexual Behaviors

Learn skills to surf or manage sexual urges (rather than fight them)

Increase “Recovery Capital” (the amount of money in recovery bank)

Identify and heal emotional bruises that create sexual tsunamis.

Happy People

How Therapath Health Can Help Through Pornography Addiction Counseling

Through our 4 Phases, our Therapists will teach you how to:

Recover from Sexual Addiction (including pornography)

- Find Connection
- Learn Self-Compassion
- Become Resilient to Shame
- Heal wounds from the past
- Forgive yourself and others
- Restore your hope in yourself and others

Our Sexual Addiction Therapists are State Credentialed NOJOS Therapists (Network on Juveniles Offending Sexually)

Contact Us Today!