Are you willing to do whatever it takes to create unity and connection in your relationship that you both desire?
At Therapath Health, our couples counselors use powerful techniques and interventions to help couples strengthen their relationships. Although our intervention techniques are determined by the needs of the couple, our foundational therapeutic approach is EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy). EFT has strong empirical validity in assisting couples to create safe, connected, and secure relationships.
Of couples undergoing EFT successfully move from distress to recovery.
Of recoveries after using EFT are stable and do not relapse back into distress.
With strong interpersonal skills, adversity in life will function like a marital magnet, rather than functioning as a wedge. When EFT processes are fully functioning, the worst day in life can be the best day in marriage or companionship. Let our licensed therapists help you build the skills you need to create and sustain a successful, fulfilling relationship.